Friday, March 11, 2011

2010 - Tron Legacy

The story begins when Sam Flynn (Garett Hedlund), who has since childhood loss of his father, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges). Sam Flynn on leave granted by his father 20 years ago with a legacy of companies that dominate the field of software technology, Encom. Life without accompanied by parents, Sam grew up to be a rebel, life is not known and although he is the biggest shareholder Encom but he did not care and are not interested to deal with the company. Sam would rather do "fun" as he did now, when Encom launched its new product, Sam precisely to Hack Encom and deploy new products for free.

But not long after toying Encom, Sam approached by Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner). Alan is an old friend Sam's father, Alan told Sam that he had contacted Sam's father through a pager. Sam himself then got weird clues about the whereabouts of the father from his father's game, Flynn's Arcade. Sam went to the site and discovered a secret room behind a game called Tron. After typing a few commands pad computers that were there, all of a sudden Sam's like moving into another world.

Welcome to The Grid, Sam! a world with a very futuristic architecture of the building with the dominant line of brightly lit, and filled with the programs back and forth wearing a costume which is also dominated by light lines. How Sam's adventures in the world of The Grid? Will Sam met his father? Please download for free movie and good to watch.

Download from fileserve

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